
Smart Recruiting – Right Hire can grow your company.

We are your talent acquisition & recruiting services partner – we help you grow faster by hiring the right candidates. Because you might be one hire away from scaling your business to the next level.

Attracting & reviewing a big talent pool using different sourcing strategies can increase your chances of finding “the one”. Let us solve your recruiting challenges & source the right talent for you so you can grow faster and focus on what you do best!

We offer a guarantee and are committed to making our customers & candidates happy.


Instead of us talking, see what our customers & candidates say about us.

 Hands-on recruiting

We provide best-in-class recruiting services so you can scale your company faster with the best talent.


Top Candidate Sourcing

Relying on just job boards, or your network, or throwing candidates at the wall, and hoping some stick is not an effective strategy. We’ll execute various strategies including targeted inbound & outbound searches so you can focus your efforts on the right people.

Your Brand Ambassador

We’ll help you make a great first impression as the first touchpoint is important. Our personalized nurturing will help to boost the response rate & maintain your high reputation.


Receive Qualified Resumes

Reviewing resumes can be tough, time-consuming, and sometimes misleading. We’ll do the initial screening & interviewing so that your team can spend their time on the most promising candidates.


3-month Guarantee

If for any reason the candidate does not pass the probationary period of 3 months, we will find you another candidate at no extra charge. 

Let us recruit the right talent for you so you can grow faster.

“Our mission is to bring growth and happy workplaces by connecting companies with exceptional talent.''

We pride ourselves on finding solutions that create immediate and lasting impact.


Passive candidate recruiting

The Problem

Our client wanted to hire candidates from specific companies with specific backgrounds & experience. They relied heavily on network-sourcing and inbound applicants. This limited their options, and they failed to receive the qualified candidates.

The Solution

We used an outbound strategy process to reach out to 700 high quality passive candidates not technically on the job market but might be open to new opportunities.

The Impact

The hiring manager received resumes of highly qualified candidates, which resulted in hiring a top candidate within a month. The hiring manager, candidate and leadership team are all happy.

Global Hiring

The Problem

Our client wanted to hire a remote candidate outside of North America to save costs & to offer 24/7 support to their customers. However, they did not know how to source, network, onboard a remote talent from another country.

The Solution

We used our global network and reached out to qualified candidates, which helped hiring manager to hire the top remote candidate from another country. Also, our business partner made the onboarding process easy and quick.

The Impact

The company ended up saving at least 80% of the salary costs by hiring a fantastic remote candidate. You never know where you’ll find that perfect candidate, but we can help you to reach a global audience!


Hard to fill positions

The Problem

We’ve filled various positions for companies across operations, sales, and other business functions, but one of them stuck out. The opening was for a Branch/Station Manager for the new branch. The company was looking for someone who is multilingual (English, Mandarin, Spanish) and has specific skills & experience related to the logistics industry.

The Solution

We used various strategies including inbound, networking, and passive candidate approach.

The Impact

We sent two highly qualified candidates within two weeks. The hiring manager ended up hiring one fantastic candidate. We found her through a referral from cold nurture. You never know where you’ll find that perfect candidate!

Let's Chat - Book a Call Today

We partner with companies to recruit the right talent that accelerates growth & promotes happy workplaces.

Global Reach

We focus on the US, but we have a global network that allows you to hire exceptional remote talent around the world. Our partner also makes the onboarding process easy & quick.

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